Scented with rare and precious Sandalwood Oil from East India (Santalum album), our cologne is formulated in small batches by hand and aged in the Farm’s barn. Our Sandalwood Cologne, formulated exclusively for us by a renowned perfumer many moons ago, remains a special, premium and unique cologne appreciated by exacting customers. It is still produced in small batches by hand true to the uncompromising old French methodology and aged in the Farm Barn.
Sandalwood Cologne comes in bottles of 3.55 ounces, 1 ounce, and half an ounce. Scented with pure Sandalwood it is properly aged.
Enjoy the products, take in the art: Hand applied family rendered labels enhances the product, aromatherapy by essential oils and visual therapy of the eye. Exclusive formulas make us the rarity and the place to buy these items. We remain here at the beautiful Bonny Doon Farm.